I finally made it to the big time, the cream of the crop, the little nuts on top of a hot fudge
sunday... “Carpet-land”! I was so excited to finally do something productive, and be able to be
apart of the serious game-making of Penske Racing! I was going to get my own office, but some
guy named Greg thought that he should get the office instead of me (he has been working here
for over two years, but come on now, everyone knows the summer intern definitely deserves
her own office!), so I got a cubicle haha. It is comes complete with a desk, a rolly-chair, a
phone, a desktop computer, and something that connects my laptop to the computer (super
high-tech here)! The only thing that was missing was a trash can haha.
My day began with getting all my stuff set up, you know, gots to make it cute. Then I proceeded
to ask Sasha, my advisor for the week, what I needed to do. She said that I could sit in on the
Merchandising meeting, and then I would be typing up receipt numbers into a spreadsheet. The
meeting proved to be really interesting, I never realized how much it takes to sell stuff in a store,
online, and in a trailer. They have to count everything a billion times, and they are constantly
having to update prices, look at what is selling, and search for new products. It’s a lot to handle
my friends.
After the meeting, I sat around waiting for the receipts until lunch time, and put in dividers and
labels for the 2012 Graphics Book. These are pretty much just for the sponsors so they can
see how all of their logos are displayed on the cars, drivers, and pit crew.
Then came time to type up the receipts...this was pretty much the most mundane and tedious
thing in the world. It took me like 2 hours to get all the numbers typed in, and when they all didn’t
add up properly, I had to go spend another hour to re-check all the numbers. So. Boring. By the
time I was done, I could barely open my eyes, and my voice sounded like I just turned 97.
Once I finished, I showed Sasha, and we both agreed that receipt balancing is the worst thing
ever. All in all, it was a good first day in carpet-land!