Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Penske Internship- Day Three

Today was a big day because I had my new employee orientation! I learned all about hazard communication, and I even took a quiz. Hopefully I passed! Other than that, I also got my picture taken for my id badge, and my finger scanned to clock in and out. So, pretty much, I am totally legit now.

In other news, the gift shop was busy again today. I learned how to work the cash register, and I restocked the floor with new merchandise! I am finally getting acquainted with all of our products, so I am more of a help when customers are looking for specific items.

For lunch today I packed a grilled chicken wrap with green peppers, mushrooms, and hummus that I made last night! Yes, my dears, I am becoming quite the little chef over here in Mooresville. George Foreman and I are hitting it off smashingly. In fact, for dinner tonight, I marinated a chicken breast in italian dressing, then grilled it, and topped it off with a smoked mustard sauce; and for the sides I cooked up some mushrooms and broccoli on the stove. Mmmmm so tasty!

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