I am going to try and do a weekly update from college because I know you all miss me so dearly!! So this past week was the first week of actual classes and so far they weren't too terrifying. However, it was "drop/add week" so it was not as intense as it normally is I am guessing. I only got lost a few times on the way there but I didn't miss any class yet! Yay Mason! The buses and I do not get along very well, I have already lost my water bottle on one, and I seem to always be waiting on the bus for like 30 minutes every time I try to catch one haha.
Let me tell you, I have no idea how there is anything called the freshman 15. I swear I walk at least 3 miles a day. Uphill. As soon as you walk outside here you start sweating and showers are pretty much pointless. I have pretty much given up on wearing cute clothes to class because I covered in sweat, so I have been wearing shorts and t-shirts everyday. But that is what everyone else is doing too so it's not that big of a deal.
I am going to take a minute to inform you all about the food here at the georgia campus. It is probably the best cafeteria food ever, they have sushi, a coffee house, chocolate fountains, ANY kind of cereal you can ask for, and even those big fluffy waffles! I have never seen a place cook so much good food in masses. Of course I am not going crazy or anything, but after 3 miles of huffing it up those hills you gotta let the big dawg eat (food services slogan fyi).
But as far as the friends and stuff go I have been hanging out with my roommate Areshia a lot. She is so nice and we really get along well together. I have been to church twice and we have gone to a bunch of on campus ministry events. There are some really nice girls on my hall as well and we have been doing something every night because there is ALWAYS something going on. The other day we went to international coffee hour and there we found an Asian Michael Jackson impersonator (the video is on my facebook, its hilarious!!), we were the only americans there but it was a total blast!
I love you and miss you all! Shout out to Aunt Mary for sending the first care package! (We can make it a competition if you want to see who can send the best one!!)
Mason :)
Mason, it is so good to hear you are doing well. I am so proud of you! I want to come visit and eat out of the chocolate fountains!